
かなしみ の 効果 effecticeness of sad


it enable people to quit thinking, not intersteted in about something enjoyable or diversion and people don`t want to try new things. Then sad make people to escape from budy life and people start to think what the meaning of loss , what happened to them, why, then, eventually they will start to plan the new way for adapting mentally.


however, depression don't have any good points. it makes people think thimeselves worthless, they lose thieir knowledge or power of thinking. And feel sadness pain materelity.


how to manage sad or depression

1. Reconcider the deepest thinking style for it and to think positive

2. Make opportgunity to relax consciously

because of depression apper automatically, depression can control people independently of people's mind. When people feel depress and try to stop it, it hard to think subsitude thing.

People feel depress tend to choose sad activity like waching the sad movie or book, So they have to notice that chose happy activity consiously.


People who feel strong depression tend to think really bad story for escaping from other not good thing and they feel sad more and more.

To feel better, achiving something (even if it's small thing ,Its not matter) is good