
joing the meetup for the first time!!

I waked up at almos lunch time but, I went to libraly and today of last opening day of this year. I borrow books and realized about knowledge level of heart not just like knowkedge level of head as a smart level. It`s really good found for…


わたしは、勉強時間はたくさんとっているはずなんだけど、それに見合う成果が出ていないような気がする。 どれくらい自分が勉強に時間を費やしているかとかもメモしていないけれど。ただ、みんながたくさん遊んでいるあいだ自分は黙々と勉強しているのに、全…


Today, I waked up at 9 o'crock, and leave my house at 10:30 to buy monster energy at supermarket near my house. One women who lined up before me, said "after you", so I could bought it earler. But, when women said that I replied すみません…

This weekend, I have to take a TOEIC and get the score more than 750. This is the must. So, In this week, I really study hard for the test. What I will do in this weekend~ On Saturday, go to Hokkaido university at kita libraly and study ab…