
かなしみ の 効果 effecticeness of sad


it enable people to quit thinking, not intersteted in about something enjoyable or diversion and people don`t want to try new things. Then sad make people to escape from budy life and people start to think what the meaning of loss , what happened to them, why, then, eventually they will start to plan the new way for adapting mentally.


however, depression don't have any good points. it makes people think thimeselves worthless, they lose thieir knowledge or power of thinking. And feel sadness pain materelity.


how to manage sad or depression

1. Reconcider the deepest thinking style for it and to think positive

2. Make opportgunity to relax consciously

because of depression apper automatically, depression can control people independently of people's mind. When people feel depress and try to stop it, it hard to think subsitude thing.

People feel depress tend to choose sad activity like waching the sad movie or book, So they have to notice that chose happy activity consiously.


People who feel strong depression tend to think really bad story for escaping from other not good thing and they feel sad more and more.

To feel better, achiving something (even if it's small thing ,Its not matter) is good









豆:サルの研究をしている人が、脳の大きさと群れの大きさに相関があることを発見した。毛づくろいをする仲間が多いほど、脳が大きい。人間の場合 毛づくろいは雑談力。



二、自分ができないとおもっていたことができたときに 驚く

わたしはこれ絶対できる!みたいな 根拠のない自信と一緒に持ち合わせておくべきなのが、厳しい自己認識。最高の演技を終えた羽生ゆずるが、インタビューで反省点をすぐみつけられるのは、謙虚すぎっておもってたけど、もしかしたら、それが一流アスリートになれた原因の一つなのかもしれない。


この意識を持つことで、おごり を防ぐことができる。


三、挫折の中にしか 挫折を乗り越えるものはない





 それまでの枠組みより広く 自分の世界をとらえたとき、やれることがみつかる

自分はなにをやりたくて どういう社会的イノベーションを起こしたらそれが可能になるのか?










the last day of 2017

This day, I went to mercure Hotel and joined the meet up event. there are native english speaking people more than that of last meet up.

I made some friends and also and fortunatelty, I could paticipate in new year party at Miyanosawa, that`s really great. I met the man from south africa, his major is art and took a lot of pictures.

some people danced well and its reaky fun!!!!





joing the meetup for the first time!!

I waked up at almos lunch time but, I went to libraly and today of last  opening day of this year.

I borrow books and realized about knowledge level of heart not just like knowkedge level of head as a smart level. It`s really good found for me

I felt i got what I didn` express my words is smartlevel of heart!!



so,this is my cherish found of today!!!


after the dance lessen I went to meet up and met a lot of nice people!

some pf them is native speaker,so I couldn't understand or hear their English! I did't thought native speker come to our meeting but it's much better for me!

I thoutght attend somewhere is giving me nice oppotunity yes!!









ホリエモンは、たくさんの世界の智のひとたちについてネットで調べて、それを今度は自分で発信して 頭を整理しなさいって言ってた。



そして、ここで 10か月くらい前にインターンした とても異質な雰囲気をまとう経営者の言葉を思い出した。同じような本を読んで共通なことが書いてあったらそれは真実。




Today, I waked up at 9 o'crock, and leave my house at 10:30 to buy monster energy at supermarket near my house.

One women who lined up before me, said "after you", so I could bought it earler.

But, when women said that I replied すみません. I feel not good about that now, I suppose I should say ありがとう!


From 11:45 I had TOEIC test, the place is faculty of agriculture in Hokkaidou University.

It is really great building,  It's like I 'm in the Horry Poter World.

I put monster enegy in the water bottle. Then, When I opend the lid, it made an explosive sound.


Afer test I bumped into Miho

This weekend, I have to take a TOEIC and get the score more than 750. This is the must.

So, In this week, I really study hard for the test.

What I will do in this weekend~

On Saturday, go to Hokkaido university at kita libraly and study about two or three hours. have a lunch and go home , arrive at home 1:30 and practice piano.


yesterday, Holst sensei talk to me that he have to reduce 10 % of my grade, but , he said my three times absent is limit (I thought its over!) and thank you for coming today!!

I was so impressed and surprised by his word, I never thought that he say thank you for coming today, but It`s so happy for me anything.


today, I waked up at 7:30, I stayed jiahe's home, she have to wake up early because her boyfriend left sapporo to China( his hometown). So, she went to see him. surprisingly, I might borrow his student card. By tha card, I can eat lunch for free, up to 900 yen, because he contraced like that. So, Im really happy.


the thing that I feel happy by buying that is......